Why we should prioritise our Breath

Why we should prioritise our Breath

Meditating is just a way of being. Connecting with ourselves from within. To find a quiet time amongst the busyness of life. Creating a space in between reality and dream state. When we are awake yet actively sleeping. It's a time for us to connect with our breath. To be an observer to our thoughts and not be attached to it. To let our mind and body flow freely like how our breathe moves effortlessly. To do things mindfully and not mindlessly. To just be in the moment, and stay with whatever comes up, and be able to let it go. Like the ebbs and flows of the waves on the beach, where the breath is the current, the sand the state of mind, just watch the thoughts come and go, and wait for the stillness which unfolds in the space in between.

Introducing M.I.L.F.F + Your 3 Mins Plank Flow Tutorial

Introducing M.I.L.F.F + Your 3 Mins Plank Flow Tutorial

You are here probably because you just watched @foodiefitmum (previously known as @milffco ) very first episode on where yours truly (me ! me ! me!) was featured as her very first fitness collaborator. Exciting times! This post is written specially to guide you through the #3minsplankflow that I created in the video.