Spirit Babies - Are They For Real?

Photo by Evie S. on Unsplash

Photo by Evie S. on Unsplash

This is a book review on “Spirit Babies: How to Communicate with the Child You’re Meant to Have” by Walter Makichen, an author and renowned clairvoyant.

To be honest, I don’t believe in the woo-woo spirit stuff. I usually stay away from anything overly spiritual or religious, even in my yoga and meditation practices.

This book was on my reading list for my Fertility Support Specialist course, and I was going to read it last, until a friend told me "……. and there’s some meditation in there too."

My eyes lit up… "oh it’s speaking a language I recognise" and I got curious on what the connection is between meditation and babies, spirits and all.

I started reading and I was awakened to the possibilities of communicating with the child I’m meant to have.

My mind is blown.

I’m still wrapping myself around the idea that there’s a baby out there floating around, waiting for me to say yes. There’s a possibility that it could be a donor egg, or adoption or it may be in my next lifetime. But the book is giving me hope where I was feeling hopeless.

It made me question my truth and brought up to the surface old beliefs, experiences and stories that I’ve forgotten and have yet to heal from. 

And that the energy I was giving out wasn’t a healthy environment for the unborn child and even to my own peace of mind.

In order to heal you need to feel
— Baron Baptiste

What came up for me was that I was holding back my desire to have a child. I do want to have a child, but my deepest darkest secret is I don’t think I deserve him or her, that I’m not worthy and it’s not safe.

And the universe (and the potential of my own spirit baby) hears every little thought even the unspoken ones.


Forgiveness - is the first step to healing. One thing we have to acknowledge is that we will never arrive, healed. No matter how much inner work we’ve done, the negative thoughts will never go away. It’s like asking us to stop thinking or stop breathing.

In order to forgive, we need to be willing to dig deep and stay when uncomfortable feelings come up.

I forgive myself for thinking I don’t deserve to have a child of my own. 

I forgive myself for having horrible, unkind thoughts about myself and others.

In the book, there’s a meditation practice on self-forgiveness.

And I want to share this with you, so if you don’t get to read the book, and if there’s something within you that needs forgiveness, or you’ve suffered a loss or miscarriage - start with this:


In your meditation practice, keep repeating to yourself - these words of “I’m washed by the waters of forgiveness; my heart is embraced by love”

if you can, inhale for as long as it takes you to say to yourself - “I am washed by the waters of forgiveness and my heart is embraced by love". And time your exhalation the same way and say to yourself -"I am washed by the waters of forgiveness and my heart is embraced by love.”

Pace your inhalation and exhalation to the amount of time it takes for you to say this affirmation.

Alternatively or in addition, write these words out in your journal every morning for as many times as you feel like.

I’m washed by the waters of forgiveness. My heart is embraced by love.

Forgive yourself. The supreme act of forgiveness is when you can forgive yourself for all the wounds you’ve created in your own life. Forgiveness is an act of self-love. When you forgive yourself, self-acceptance begins and self-love grows.
— Miguel Ángel Ruiz Macías


The book also inspired me to meditate to affirmations and mantras.

Affirmations are yet another “woo woo thing” that I’ve avoided as “it did not work for me” and let me add - AT THAT POINT IN TIME.

For right now, it’s perfect. I dropped what I knew about meditation and it opened up a new way of being of freedom and grounding and it has given access to peace with self.

And I recorded a Fertility Meditation for Couples, inspired by the book and my husband has even agreed to do it with me (and he doesn’t “do” meditation)

Affirmations are a great way to re-create a new set of belief system. It’s like creating a new folder of new energy, new thoughts that will ground us in the way we want to feel and gets us out of the default negativity.

After all thoughts are thoughts and I’m not my thoughts.

It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.
— Muhammad Ali

So are spirit babies real?

After reading the book, I say it’s definitely out there but I like the idea of it and as Baron Baptiste, my yoga teacher always says “anything is possible”.

I do believe the idea of where attention goes, energy will flow; that “like" energy attracts “like" energy and what you give back to the world is what you will receive.

And I think we agree that thinking negative thoughts brings about bad energy.

I want to gift the world the consistency of meditation and yoga and to the IVF community -  tools on how navigate bravely through their fertility journey. 

This book gives me hope for all those I will be helping through my fertility support programs, and I have hopes in my own potential for fertility that maybe wasn’t there a month ago. I’m also at peace, whether my unborn child exists only in the spirit world, or if the baby comes to us as a real child.


This book talks about auras, chakras and energy channels and even if you’re not into that - read the stories and the corresponding meditation. And one of them will call out to you.

I’ve gotten a lot from reading the book, and I hope you get what you need too.

I want to leave you with (more)hope, serenity, courage and wisdom for your fertility journey - so this Serenity Prayer is for you.

Save it as a wallpaper in your phone or print it out and stick somewhere on the wall in your home, and I wish you all the best in your baby-making journey. xox


PS. A sad note is that Walter Makichen passed away in 2011. I would have loved to get a reading from him.

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