
Make friends with your inner child (and stop being so hard on yourself)

Make friends with your inner child (and stop being so hard on yourself)

This morning, my brain was feeling little overwhelmed because this past few weeks, I have been juggling thoughts of unworthiness and imposter syndrome, a head cold and my menses.

So I asked my inner self what it needs today - and the word that comes up is journal. So I journaled and decided to share my journal entry on the blog.

If you want to an insight to my brain➕ learn one of the steps to my ‘reframing my mindset” process, click on my loves.

How to Include Yoga into your Self Care Routine if You are Trying To Conceive - It's Not What You think

How to Include Yoga into your Self Care Routine if You are Trying To Conceive - It's Not What You think

So you heard that Yoga is a kind of exercise that can help in improving fertility.

And you read about it.

But you never took action or you just tried one class or you’re just too busy.

Does that sound familiar?

In this post, I share 7 Mindset Shifts that was a game changer to the way I practice my yoga today, and how I managed to include it as part of my self-care when I was on IVF journey, with the little time that I have! I also have a actionable tip on how you can start yoga NOW.