Co- Create your December with Purpose and Intention

December can be a hard month - - I know you are juggling a million things - from holiday prep to managing family expectations, from meeting deadlines to keeping up with daily IVF regiment.

Time is our most precious commodity, I get it.

I'd like to share a little gift -  a 21 days journaling challenge, starting this Friday, 8th Dec- 28th Dec, that will hopefully help complete your year with purpose and at the same co-create your day with inspiration and joy.

I'll be sharing daily journal prompts on Instagram stories which will take you no more than a minute or 2 to write either in your journal, on your phone notes or the IG poll itself - lesser than the mindless scrolling.

I'm also committing to doing this with you.

The past 11 months have been a blur for me - with so many things going on, the ups and downs and in the midst of all these busyness , I struggle with remembering if there's anything good that came out from it despite my failures? Did I waste my year? Or have I grown and learnt something?

My constant for this year and the one thing that has kept me grounded every single day was my journaling practice, which is a surprise to me because my meditation and yoga has not been that consistent.

Unfortunately as the year winds down, I find it hard to sit down and process my thoughts, and I've been kinda lazy and not making it a priority.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not beating myself up over it, because it does get done, but half-heartedly.

And I want to get back to being excited about journaling.

Since I've committed to doing this, I thought, why not, do it with my IG community, so you can keep me accountable and I can keep showing up for you!

Another good reason for doing this challenge is to set ourselves up for a better AND clearer state of mind as we move into the new year.

If you are a YES - follow me on INSTAGRAM and check out my IG stories from tomorrow onwards. A new journal prompt will be posted daily from 8th Dec to 28th Dec. You can write either in your journal, on your phone notes or the IG poll itself.

So shall we start off our 21 journaling journey with this prompt ?

What do you want to make happen in December? Write down 1-3 goals!

I know it’s the end of the year, but why not we close the year with open hearts and big dreams. So -

Write down 1-3 things you want to make happen in December!

Write this in your journal, however way you journal!

Hope to connect with you on IGS.

With love, joy and abundance,

Sophie xo