If It's Not Important, You Won’t Have Any Resistance

And now we interrupt the 40 Days to Personal revolution with a quotation break coz I felt an urgent need to share this quote with you. 

I was inspired by Marie Forleo’s interview with Stephen Pressfield, which is part of her B-School coursework . You can access the interview here.

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Read it!

Say it out loud!

Do that a couple of timeS.

What came up for you?

This quote came at a perfect time because I’ve been questioning - Why am I doing certain stuff? Do I really have to do them? What if it doesn’t work? Is it worth the pain?

The quote made me see, really see that sometimes in the midst of my struggles and my resistance, instead of pushing through with willpower, it’s okay to take a pause and and ask myself -  if it’s important to me.

Is it important that I work through my anxiety, my sadness, my anger, my fears? And to keep writing about the 40 Days, or to keep teaching Baptiste Yoga or to go to the gym daily or eat healthy?⠀

It’s a YES for me, and so it makes sense that I’m resisting because it’s important. 

What is not important - trying to do it right!

So the work is to stay in the discomfort and commit to growth. And coincidentally that’s what I wrote about last week for the 40 Days theme: Vitality, which addressed the concept of our comfort zone and growth.

COMMITTING to growth

In my commitment to growth, I’ve been making an effort to be closer to my sisters. Not that we’re not close, but every time we meet, we don’t really talk. There’s something missing in our relationship.

In reality, we were not brought up to share our feelings or our deepest dark secrets. And all of us have our own stories, which triggered my resistance “who am I? Can I change years of habitual patterns?”.

As I was leading the 40 Days program 2020, it got me into inquiry about my presence around my family. Here I am, busy being “there” for other people, and supporting them in their transformation, have I been there for my sisters?

The truth is- not really. I’m there, and I’m not fully present. I know them and yet I don’t really know them.

That made me sad. 

Something needs to change. If I don’t do anything, time will past by so fast, and then it’ll be too late.

If it’s not me, then who?

Right now, what I think is missing in our lives are HUGS!!!

My mission is to disrupt their drift, which is also the Baptiste Yoga mission. Baron say if it’s works, copy and re-create it newly and powerfully. That’s what I’m doing!

My life is for empowering my sisters to live their life with kindness and courage and in turn, hopefully show them what’s possible if they get out of their own way and commit to growth.

The start was awkward. There has been resistance from me, and from them.

AND IT is VERY IMPORTANT (that I/WE do this)

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash
The only way out is through. 
— Baron Baptiste

One of my sisters commented that it’s brave of me to work through my insecurities. ⠀

And why not?⠀

My insecurities, my fears, my anxieties are not serving me at all. It’s exhausting. Hiding and pretending everything it’s okay, when my heart feels like mush, is not okay. And I’m tired of fighting with myself and the voices in my head.⠀

P.S. By the way, I’m really okay at this moment. And I’m in a good headspace, thank you for asking.

I guess by being brave means I stay, surrender and see what comes up, with no judgement and without needing to fix. And I keep doing it.

You can be brave too

Just look in your heart and ask yourself if it is important and if it is, then take the leap of faith.

It’s gonna get messy. And it’s okay. Forgive yourself and begin again.

I love you!


PPS. And if you have the feels for this quote, comment below and tell me what you are up to and why it is important to you. xox