On My Mat - A Poem


It’s not easy to let go of control

To stop doing things the right way

Because you are afraid of doing it the wrong way

And messing it up

And looking bad

Yet you still try

Because that’s just what you do

While a tiny part of your mind screams

“What if.....”

I feel like all I’ve been doing 

Is struggling

Struggling To keep up

As I watching Life and Time go past

And fast without me

And right there on my mat,

Is the answer 

On my mat, I feel powerful

Because its where 

I can be in control 

and at the same time,

surrender to that which I cannot control

On my mat

is Where i have the power to choose

To add or subtract

Do Less or more of

Effort or Ease

or Just Be

On my mat

There is a certain knowing

I’ll be alright

That i can trust my body

That is safe to trust my body

It’s safe to trust myself and the path i’m on

On my mat

I’m safe.

I’m home.
