
Healing Through Journaling

Healing Through Journaling

Journaling As An Access to Healing

I share here one simple journal prompt that will transform your journaling practice.. It definitely that has started many inspirational blog posts, produced tears, clarity and got me more connected to my heart.

It’s perfect for days when I don‘t have anything to write and also when I’m too stubborn to acknowledge my feelings. Writing this everyday is helping me to recognise and acknowledge what I'm feeling so I can start healing.

In Order To Heal, We Must Feel

In Order To Heal, We Must Feel

(This is the 5th of the Eight Universal Principles for Stepping up to the Edge by Baron Baptiste taken from his book -“Journey into Power”.)

It's about shame, about being vulnerable, about feeling what you feel which is uncomfortable and scary. And you know what - It's ok if you are feeling angry. It's Ok if you're feeling Sad. It’s ok not be ok. Feel What you are feeling. Stop hiding.

Since you're here, you're READY NOW.