Baron Baptiste

Yoga Off The Mat: When You Can't Sleep

Yoga Off The Mat: When You Can't Sleep

Not a yoga tutorial for sleep nor fertility-related, but it's my personal share about how yoga transformed my life, or SLEEP in this instance, which is the original mission of my blog. 

Learnt about an inquiry technique for anxiety, my 2 AHA moments and if you read the end, there's a list of personal mantras that has helped me get out my head, and into lala land.

My secret to staying calm and strong after 5 years of IVF

My secret to staying calm and strong after 5 years of IVF

I get this question every time I meet someone new in the IVF community and they heard my story. Like how do I stay strong ? How do I keep going? How do I keep on doing the things I do?

in my post today, I'll share the not-so-secret secret that has helped through the emotional struggles, the sadness, the loss that this fertility journey brings, and I hope it will bring you some light and peace.

Message from Baron Baptiste About Covid-19

Message from Baron Baptiste About Covid-19

My notes from Baron’s recent online message on Navigating Uncertainty where he answers questions from the community. The video itself is 30 mins long, and after you’ll also have access to a free 60 mins online yoga class with Baron, a 30 mins Face Fear meditation and a free 30 Days access to online platform. 

If It's Not Important, You Won’t Have Any Resistance

If It's Not Important, You Won’t Have Any Resistance

Found another gem to add my list of love letters to myself. It’s more like reminder, a reality check in, because it made me aware that what I’m doing now is important. And it speaks to m heart and make it easier for me to do the “hard” stuff and things “I don't feel like doing.”