Cultivate Your Superpower of Consistency

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Consistency doesn't look like anything at all,

Other than repeatedly doing what is needed and important in your life. 

It doesn’t have to be done at the same time everyday;

It doesn’t have to be hard all the time; and

It doesn’t have to look perfect or be done a certain way, or the right way

Because it’s perfect for that moment in time. 

You don't have to wait to know everything before you start;

You just start.

You don't have to strong or flexible before you start;

You just start.

You don't need more time

Because you make time.

It’s not too late; There is time.

Don’t say you can’t or that you don't have it in you.

I say you can and you do….

Because I trust with all my heart that 

the one person that can truly make you

happy, healthy and sane is YOU.

While it’s not easy…..

Know that you can always find ease in the effort.

Shall we just start?

Let’s stay the course and remain consistent 

To what you want to make happen.