Things to be Thankful for this Cov-Eid Raya

Things to be Thankful for this Cov-Eid Raya

There's a lot of fear in the world right now. I'm giving myself permission to be afraid, because there is nothing wrong or shameful about being afraid, and I'm choosing to be intentional on where I put my energy and focus, to constantly practice being in the present moment, to really look at my fears with loving curiosity and I say thank you......

What We Want To Make Happen is ............... a BABY (Our IVF Story)

What We Want To Make Happen is ............... a BABY (Our IVF Story)

This is a special story - yep - I’m scared to share this story, and I need to share it because I’m up to something bigger in my life, which is much bigger than my fears and my concerns.

Some of you have been with me for so long, and I’ve wrote about the power of stepping out of my edge, getting out of my comfort zone - and so I want to drop all those negative thoughts and be a stand for what my life is for - empowering others in living life with courage and loving kindness. What I want to make happen is a safe space for the IVF community to connect and also to share how Baptiste Yoga has made an impact on my IVF journey.

The post is long and needed to be told.

As Featured on Namaskar Asia: 8 Universal principles for Stepping up the Edge

As Featured on Namaskar Asia: 8 Universal principles for Stepping up the Edge

Sharing the Baptiste Yoga methodology out to Asia with Namaskar magazine. You’ll find here - 8 articles on Stepping up to the Edge, that was adapted for print from my original blog posts. The first article was published in the Oct 2019 issue. The rest - AKAN DATANG !!!

I'm 42 and My Mum Still Nags At Me

I'm 42 and My Mum Still Nags At Me

My relationship with my mum is not perfect, and it’s a constant work in progress. It’s my responsibility to agree to accept her the way she is and to love her unconditionally. This is a story of how Baptiste Yoga transformed my relationship with my mum.

Beginners {Yoga} Guide to Canggu

Beginners {Yoga} Guide to Canggu

This is more of How I survived Canggu….. all by myself; I’ve got anxiety issues especially when it comes travelling solo. I’m a scaredy cat and a worrywart, and every time I go somewhere new by myself, I’m getting out of my comfort zone. It doesn’t get any easier, but once I’m there, it does.