Five Tips on How to Survive a Hard Yoga Class

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Whether you’re a beginner doing your 1st ever yoga class or you’re an aspiring yoga practitioner attempting an "advance" class ...........

Yoga is intimidating! 

Even to a yoga teacher, like me. 

I was a beginner once, and I remember feeling rather overwhelmed by the sheer number of poses, and that I can never remember the names of the poses. And it feels daunting that I had to rest so many times because I was out of breath, and that everyone else seems to be able to do the crow pose.

That was 4 years ago maybe and even now, sometimes I feel a sense of hopelessness at the inadequacy of my body to do certain yoga poses, which I recognise to be a negative belief, of which I'm in the work of dropping it and embracing what's available for me at the moment. 

I'm human, an inflexible human, but so what! I don't need to bring my leg behind my head in order to tie my shoelace right? 

When you put that into perspective, the act of attending a "hard" yoga class gets easier.

Yoga is not easy. 

But our body is stronger than we think it is. It's our mind that makes yoga (life) hard.  There are ways to modify and make yoga work for our body. We just have to be willing to drop our ego and learn to quiet our mind, and make that our life-long practice. 

So I'm sharing these 5 Tips which helped me to silence those voices in my head.... ↓ ⠀⠀⠀⠀

How to Survive a "Hard" Yoga Class

Relax With What Is ......... with whatever is happening around the room. You have no control over your body nor every other body’s bodies. Everybody’s body is different and so are their experiences. And you know what? Everytime you step on that mat - you are different. So let's exhale out and let’s breathe more.

Come As You Are and Not What You Think You Should Be. Listen to your body and practice listening to how your body feels. Stop stressing about what you cannot do and start focusing on whats NOW possible, moment to moment? 

Drishti - is all about balance. Finding balance in the middle of all the mental chaos by focusing on what you have right in front of you instead of what needs to be done to get there. 

DO Your Best and Be In Action ....... Or you’ll miss it. You’ll miss the experience of discovering something new. You may get it or you may not get it, but SO WHAT! You are in the practice of getting it.


Have Fun - Life is too short to stress about a silly yoga pose.