limiting beliefs

Make friends with your inner child (and stop being so hard on yourself)

Make friends with your inner child (and stop being so hard on yourself)

This morning, my brain was feeling little overwhelmed because this past few weeks, I have been juggling thoughts of unworthiness and imposter syndrome, a head cold and my menses.

So I asked my inner self what it needs today - and the word that comes up is journal. So I journaled and decided to share my journal entry on the blog.

If you want to an insight to my brain➕ learn one of the steps to my ‘reframing my mindset” process, click on my loves.

Don't Try Hard, Try Easy

Don't Try Hard, Try Easy

Where in your life are you at your edge? What will it take for you to Step off the Edge? What's the costs for not stepping off the edge?

At the end of the day, the real question you should ask yourself is what do you really want?

You have to want to make things happen, for things to happen.

And if you want it to happen, if you want a change, you have to keep saying yes!

Keep saying YES.

(This is the final principle for Stepping up to the Edge by Baron Baptiste taken from his book -“Journey into Power”.)