
Yoga SOS: 10 Signs You Need Yoga for Self Care in your IVF journey

Yoga SOS: 10 Signs You Need Yoga for Self Care in your IVF journey

This post basically and selfishly - is me self-promoting my class, but really I’m sharing what I love and what is working for me and my passion for Yoga AND self care and how these 2 has helped me thrive in my IVF Journey!

What The Coronavirus Got Me Present To

What The Coronavirus Got Me Present To

On 30 January 2020, WHO declared the 2019-nCoV (coronavirus) outbreak to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). The first cases was reported (and started) in Wuhan, China and since then cases of have been reported elsewhere in China and in 24 other countries worldwide, including Singapore, other regions of Asia, Europe, North America, UAE and Australia. Here’s my outtake on it -