
I Can Be Gentle With Myself

I Can Be Gentle With Myself

A gentle love note to yourself when you are feeling overwhelmed with the todos, the whatnots, the shoildhaves and the oughttos… say it out loud, write out in your journal - or simply just repeat to yourself, in your heart;

I can be gentle with myself

I can be gentle with myself

I can be gentle with myself

Let's Try A Little Kindness

Let's Try A Little Kindness

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. Dalai Lama

I choose to write this post today because it has been resting in my heart and is what I need.

The world feels hard right now.
So many feelings of anger, grief, confusion, sadness…. 
Even more opinions and judgements - I’m right you’re wrong….

I can’t pretend to understand what’s going on in the world right now….

I know how it makes my heart feel though ….. sad

Kindness is what the world needs. A little reminder  - not to be kind, because we are already inherently kind, but to choose to be kinder more than necessary. 

Kindness is not a solution to what’s happening out there in the world, but it’s one way to heal our heart space so we can be stronger to face what’s out there.
